Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday, 2/5/2009

Today's Topic: That annoying little red-headed girl getting rewarded for her 5th place mediocrity in karate in the Stouffer's commercial

Have you seen this commercial? It's a little red-headed girl in a karate uniform putting a 5th place trophy on the mantle and it says that "Children who eat dinner with their parents tend to feel that they are more proud of them..."

First of all: Trophies should not be given out for 5th place finishes....1st through 3rd is okay, but come on...5th place?

Second of all: The mother is serving her kid a frozen, processed meal that is high in salt and fat...she shouldn't be very proud of herself! It's not like you need all day to cook...I work all day and I come home from work and cook a homemade meal in about 30 minutes....and I'm not alone. Rachael Ray can show you plenty of 30 minute meals, lady. Give your child a real one, along with a dose of realism that 5th place is just mediocre. Tell her to either get serious and bring home the 1st place next time or to quit karate and focus her time perfecting her skills at something she's good at.

But encouraging your child to be proud of a 5th place trophy is pathetic, and so is serving her frozen, processed, fattening crap.


  1. Is this comment directed at the fact that you disapprove of my dorm menu restaurant idea?

  2. No - I really hate that girl and that whole commercial. But if mothers started taking their children to eat in your dorm menu restaurant, they should be shot. It's bad enough to feed your kid frozen unhealthy crap, but to pay someone to do it is child abuse!
