Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday, 2/3/2009

Today's Topic: Daschle....shouldn't he know that consulting fees are taxable income?

I do believe Tom Daschle did the honorable thing by taking himself out of contention for the Health Secretary today. I can get that he didn't realize the use of a car and driver was taxable income, but what about the $80,000 in consulting fees? When you receive money in exchange for a service, should it not dawn on you that you're getting paid? And when you're getting paid, shouldn't you realize that you need to pay taxes on the income?

Worse yet, after you spent as many years in the Senate as Daschle did, writing tax laws, shouldn't it be no surprise to you that money you received in payment for services is taxable?

This whole situation just smacks of tax evasion. I can't believe that Daschle could be that stupid, so the only thing that I can conclude was that he was just trying to get something over on the government - the government that provides him free health care for life, as a former U.S. Senator.

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