Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday, 1/30/2009

Today's Topic: Stephen Colbert is also a god...

Last night, I proclaimed endlessly that I have always thought Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, to be a god. And then I got an e-mail from Stephen Colbert reminding me that I used to say the same of him, and he wanted to know what he did to lose my idolatry.

So, this blog is to make amends. Stephen, like the ancient Greeks, I worship many gods...Jeff Bezos is the god of commerce, Jon Stewart is the god of shixas, and you Stephen, are the god of sarcasm!

If any of you doubt that Stephen is the god of sarcasm, you should look at the video from January 29, 2009 called "The Word - the Audacity of Nope." I'm not telling you anything about it - just watch it:

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