Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday, 1/26/2009

Today's Topic: Loonie Rod Blagojevich...not to be confused with a Canadian Loonie, which is not actually crazy like Rod is

Like Sarah Palin, I'm wondering why the media is still covering this guy. Instead of actually going to his impeachment trial today, and I dunno...mounting a defense if you insist that you're innocent...he's instead mounting a media blitz. I do hope his lawyer strongly advised him against this media blitz, because the things that are coming out of his mouth are INSANE!!! He claims that there was this bi-partisan conspiracy to indict him because he fights for the common person, rather than the political machine. In another interview, he claimed that the snippets being attributed to him are being taken out of context and being made into something more than they were. And my personal favorite, he claims that he even considered Oprah Winfrey for the Senate her popularity is going to help him convince people that he was fighting for them.

But forgive me...Rod is such a populist that he was only looking for a high paid board position for his wife so that they could donate all of the money to charity, right?

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