Saturday, January 3, 2009

Saturday 1/3/2009

I have a friend who started doing a daily blog on his 42nd birthday and committed to do it for a year just to see if he could, and even though I'm not nearly as old as he is (Hi Kevie!), it did sound like a cool idea.

So, I decided to start a blog with the new year and we'll see if I can keep blogging for a full year. I do like to write and I always have something to muse about, so I'm looking forward to a daily blog. It might be a form of relaxation and meditation for me!

My first musing occurred to me while watching the first game of the NFL Playoffs: Arizona vs. Atlanta (Go Cardinals!). Matt Millen is now a sportscaster helping to analyze the playoff games for NBC....come on, seriously?!?!?! This is the GM that was fired from the Detroit Lions about a month and a half ago because he was seen as the person whose fault it was that the team set football history by going 0-16 in regular season. So he makes a good candidate for a sportscaster? And do people really want to see him and listen to him? I personally don't. What was NBC thinking? It's sort of like hiring OJ Simpson as a reporter for CourtTV on the assumption that his opinion matters simply because he has a lot of experience being in court.

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