Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday, 1/20/2009

Today's Topic: The Audacity of Hops...yes, HOPS!

I wanted to honor the new President on Inauguration Day, but I also wanted to lighten the mood a bit since his message was so heavy...so I figured I would share this story on a special beer made to represent Barack Obama. It is aptly named "The Audacity of Hops", and here's a website with more information on it:


I must admit that I am awestruck by the amount of thought the humble gourmand put into the ingredients of this beer, and my only regret is that I cannot get my hands on it here in Charlotte. I would love to put a 6 pack of it in the special fridge filled with beer so that my Canadian boys can sample it. I consider it my life's work to constantly stimulate their tastebuds with new and unusual brews!

May God Bless America, the new administration, the Democratic Party....and if you have some time, God - please bless the stock market! I miss the Clinton years and I think Obama needs all the help he can get to restore them!

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