Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday, 1/19/2009

Topic of the Day: the HOA Gun Club

Let me start this post by saying that I do not believe in guns in the home, and I think guns should be left to law enforcement officials. I get that this Yankee living in the south has to tolerate being a minority in this viewpoint (except when I am around other Yankees or Canadians, which is more often than not). However, I must say that I was appalled when I received an e-mail from our HOA this morning advertising the HOA gun club meeting. Apparently, a group of neighbors in my yuppie neighborhood has formed a gun club that meets every so often to go shooting. This is disturbing to me, especially because the people in this community are so anti-immigrant. You would not believe the number of e-mails I get on a daily basis from the HOA with e-mails warning residents to be on the lookout for a hispanic person that might have been observed wandering around the community. The implications of these e-mails is usually that this person, although no crime has been committed or any problems reported, somehow does not seem to belong in our community so we should all be watching him/her for evidence of criminal activity. And we don't live in a gated community...and our roads are maintained by the I don't know who doesn't technically "belong" in our community since the roads and sidewalks are public.

The last thing this world needs are for these racists to have guns in their homes. Let's hope that the real estate market will look up soon, so that I can move into one that does not have a gun club!

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