Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wednesday, 1/28/2009

Today's Topic: Let's Boycott Girl Scout Cookies this Year

It's not that I don't like the Girl Scouts. I was one, and I used to sell cookies. But the prices for the cookies are beyond ridiculous (come on, $4.25/box?!?) AND this year, the girls are putting fewer cookies in the box to make up for increased raw material and transportation costs.

I don't want to penalize the girls themselves for the idiocy of the adults that run the program, so here's a better idea that won't penalize the girls: calculate the amount of money you would have spent on the cookies, and just write a check to the local Girl Scouts council for the same amount. Your check will be tax-deductible in its entirety, whereas the money you spend on the cookies is not at all tax-deductible since you received goods in exchange for the money. More money will go directly to your local girls - on average, about 80 cents for every dollar you give as a straight donation will go directly to providing programs for local girls. However, when you buy the cookies, most of the money goes to the baker, the advertising companies, and the national organization and your local girls get back maybe 5 cents per box.

So don't buy the cookies - but still help the scouts! Let's send the organization a message that charging ridiculous prices for their cookies is not in line with being a role model for these girls. If you want to teach them how to be entrepreneurs, teach them how to organize a spaghetti dinner and have them cook it all. The local girls will still get more money to use for programs than the cookie sales, and it will be with an alternative that promotes family dinners!

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