Saturday, January 31, 2009

Saturday, 1/31/2009

Today's Topic: Dual Action Cleanse with Klee Irwin Infomercial

So, Mr. Osbourne won a mustache contest at work yesterday, and this struck me as odd, because he doesn't have a mustache. Apparently, he drew a mustache on his face and he told me that it was inspired by Klee Irwin in the Dual Action Cleanse Infomercial. I thought it had been inspired by a child molester or a porn star, but after checking out the picture of Klee at the website above, it could have been inspired by Klee, a child molester or a porn star. They all seem to be the same thing.

The description of the infomercial is hysterical...I especially love Klee's description of seeing his child's poop....

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