Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday, 1/17/2009

Today's Topic: Baggers in Grocery Stores

I wish grocery stores did not have baggers. I like to bag my own stuff so that I can organize the items the way I want. But what really frosts me about baggers is their persistent need to put everything in 2 plastic bags!

I bring cloth bags grocery shopping with me, because I hate plastic bags and I would have reuseable cloth bags that are better for the environment. So today, I bring my 4 cloth bags with me. I watch the bagger packing the cloth bags and then I watch him put the eggs in a plastic bag, only to put them at the top of a cloth bag. And then he puts the bread in a plastic bag, only to put it at the top of a cloth bag. Then he doubles up 2 plastic bags and puts a 6 pack of Molson Canadian in it, and he repeats this heinous environmental act for the 2 other 6 packs of beer I bought. Why a little "Paid" sticker wouldn't be good enough for the 6 packs is beyond me, and when I tried to tell him that I didn't want them in a bag, he kept bagging them until I just said "nevermind".

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