Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday, 1/27/2009

Today's Topic: Eskimo Barbie, Sarah Palin

You can imagine my horror to learn this morning that #1: Sarah is still in the news (when are her 15 minutes of fame going to be over?!?!) and #2: She is starting her own political action committee.

The article states that SarahPAC will support "local and national candidates who share Governor Palin's ideas and goals for our country." Thankfully, the article further explains that Sarah will be an advocate for energy independence and reform. Without that further explanation, I was shaking in my shoes that people who shared her ideas and goals would actually consider running for any office. I was dismayed enough that she was actually recruited to run for office herself, and the last thing I would want is more where that came from...and I'm not talking about Alaska...I'm talking about some other planet where people think it's okay to have leaders that do not seem to be aware of current events, foreign countries, or the names of newspapers.

The last things we need are more leaders like Sarah. They can keep her in Alaska. The mainland has many better options, like my poodle!


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