Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wednesday, 1/7/2009

My husband told me that he wanted me to blog about him let's try a social experiment in giving him what he wants to see if he'll ever want to be blogged about again.

So, can you imagine being married to a guy who looks himself in the mirror every morning when getting out of the shower and says "Andre, you're awesome!" and then when he's shaving, calls me in the bathroom to tell me that I'm lucky that he married me because he's awesome. And if that's not enough self-love for one man on a daily basis, he asks me if he is the most awesome person I know at least 4 times a day. So, I normally answer him "No, you're just the biggest egotistical a**hole that I know." And he's not really, he's a good guy and I love him, but come on, Andre - MAN UP! Stop needing so much wanting to be the subject of my daily musing so that you can feel like you've arrived. : - )

AND YES ANDRE - Mr. Osborne is the first person that I will make sure reads this blog!!!


  1. I do have to admit that he played awesome crib tonight so maybe he has a point about his awesomeness.

  2. No wonder why he married you first, Mr. Osbourne. But surely you left him because of his ego...: - )
