Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thursday, 1/8/2009

The topic of today's blog: Green Beans.

Fascinating stuff, I know, but I feel compelled to write about them today. You see, it was turkey day in the corporate cafeteria today, where you get a serving of roast turkey breast with two sides and a 24 oz fountain drink for $5. So one of the two sides that I got with my turkey was green beans. I like green beans, and they're not anything that someone can mess up...until I tasted these green beans. A funny flavor that was kind of gross made me look at them closely and I realized that they had been seasoned with Montreal Steak Seasoning. Who the heck ever thought of that seasoning idea for green beans?!?!?

Fresh green beans need nothing but a little bit of salt and pepper to taste fantastic to begin with, and even canned/frozen green beans (these were canned) taste pretty decent with just a little bit of salt and pepper. There's no need to go wild in order to make these things taste good, but Montreal Steak Seasoning?!?!? Someone needs to be arrested for committing assault and battery on a vegetable for that flavor combination.

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